One Smart Cookie, a blogophilia write- fiction story-chapter fourteen

Carefully setting my backpack into the bobbing canoe I heard the approach of the Journeyers. The sounds of dragonfly they rode could be heard over the sounds of the water. Turning I waited as they came closer. Behind them I could see Ducky Jr. munching on that bar while gathering his gear. When the Journeyers drew close Sage was the first to speak.

“We are going to go ahead. Ihana and Trail will go first flying just off to the right of the river. Fernweh and Galanta will follow moments later, flying just to the left of the river. After another few moments, Jem and I will follow last flying directly with the river.”

 Nodding at their plan, understanding that this would cover a wider space, make it less apparent they were together, but yet given a chance to be there should an emergency arise. “I understand why you were given the position of instructor of ancient wisdom. It will be a few more moments before the songbird is ready, but we won’t be too far behind you.”

 In twos they began leaving. Just before Sage and Jem left, Sage turned back to me,”As you travel, be aware of your surroundings at all times. Be wary of the Raggamuffin. I am sure the Nunnehi will find a way to convince it to intervene.” Then, before I could question him, they were gone.

“They move fast don’t they?” Ducky Jr. commented as he dropped his backpack into the canoe causing it to break free from the bank.

Grabbing the canoe I answered without looking away from the direction they had gone,”Yeah, they do at that.”

“Why Bijak, to be the intelligent one, you seem confused.”

“Before Sage disappeared he warned me to be wary of the Raggamuffin.”

Ducky Jr. suddenly stood up straight, all playfulness gone from his face. “He said that? The Raggamuffin?”

“Yeah, what is it that we should be wary of something I always thought was just a raggedy individual.”

“A Raggamuffin, in this situation, is a demon. The Nunnehi could very well convince them to side with them in this confrontation. We have to go, but carefully.”

“I’m not sure this is what I signed up for, save the world, save myself, fight immortal spirit people, now demons. This could be some low budget movie.” I was muttered mainly to myself as I took my place in the canoe.

 “Well I want Keanu Reeves to play me then.” Ducky Jr’s attitude had quickly returned to cocky as he took his place in the canoe and pushed us away from the bank. Looking back over my shoulder at him he had the audacity to grin and retort, “I don’t care what you think of me, unless you think I’m awesome. In which case you are right.”

Muppets? He’s actually quoting the Muppets??

“Not just any Muppet dear Typera, I’m quoting Miss Piggy.”

“You’re quoting the Muppets and calling me silly?”

Kermit himself said, “Moving right along, footloose and fancy free. Getting there is half the fun, come share it with me.” Ducky Jr. was full of himself at the moment and showing it as he deftly handled the canoe through the varying areas of the river. I decided that watching what was ahead of us was more important that worrying over the Son of Ducky’s shenanigans. As I watched the banks, my mind wandered, I still had not asked about all the bird songs, but also wasn’t positive he would tell me anyway.

 As we made our way down or was it up river, Sage appeared out of nowhere, “Ami, up ahead in the river there is a problem. The river narrows badly, blocked by large boulders and a sandbar. It is a place to be avoided as it would be too easy for the Raggamuffin to attack you there as you will have to land the canoe and walk it across to the river. Up ahead there is a bend in the river, it flows off to the right and circles around to rejoin the river on the other side. Take that bend.” As quickly as he appeared, he was gone.

“I turned to look at Ducky Jr. “That wasn’t Sage, do not take that off shoot of the river. Before you ask, I know because Sage would not have come back alone. He was with Jem remember? They would have stuck together to bring the message.”

 “Dad said you were one smart cookie. I had bad feelings over that appearance and had no plans to follow those instructions. The concern is, do we continue on the river, since they obviously know we are coming? Or do we find another route?”

Ecrits Blogophilia Week 28.15 – One Smart Cookie

Hard Bonus: Include a quote, line or lyric from one of the muppets

Easy Bonus: Mention the word “raggamuffin”

Link to chapter one:  part one

About rebecca s revels

A writer, a photographer, a cancer survivor. An adventurer of the mild kind, a lover of the simple pleasures such as long walks and chocolate. A Christian unashamed of my faith and a friend who is dependable and will encourage readily. Author of three self published books with more waiting to find their way to paper. An advocate of good things, a fighter against wrongs.
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2 Responses to One Smart Cookie, a blogophilia write- fiction story-chapter fourteen

  1. Aha, a fork in the road or river in this case! Good intuition and observations on Ducky Jr’s part. Still chuckling that he wants Kenau Reeves to play him in the movie. Personally I think The Rock should play me in the movies – after all, he has a bald head and buff physique like me. HAHA!! KUDOS dear Earthling! ❤

  2. Pingback: Blogophilia Week 28.15 – One Smart Cookie | Blogophilia

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