
While half listening to the radio playing I thought I heard the personality say that June is Cancer Survivors Month. Unsure if I heard correctly I did a quick web search. Guess what? It is actually cancer survivors month:

Currently, I’m sitting here, in my chair, in front of my computer, one of my dogs close while I listen to the different bird calls sounding through the woods. A soft, cool breeze is drifting through the room. My ever present cup of coffee within reach. I prepared breakfast for my son and watched as he left for work. I’ve spoken with my mother. I’ve scrolled through the memories that showed up over on social media. Normal, routine stuff.

Yesterday I watered the vegetable plants that I am growing in pots, you know, my pot garden. Its cucumber, tomato, peppers and squash, but in pots. Okay, lame joke, but I can tell them.

Yesterday my son hauled our and my parent’s trash to the landfill. I cleaned out my refrigerator and part of the freezer of stuff that was beyond use. I even cleaned up and re-bagged the mess the cats and racoon had made of the garbage not in cans. Turned out to not be as bad as I feared, but it helped him.

Yesterday I listened as a storm approached and rain began to fall. It wasn’t a severe storm, it was a summer shower that rinsed the air and watered the landscape.

Today, I will do some laundry and a bit of house cleaning. I’ll probably put something in the crock pot to slow cook for supper.

Today I will probably take many more calls from mom and go down to take care of what ever need comes up during the day.

Today I will watch the cats, indoor and outdoor, while they play. I’ll hold one of the inside and listen to the purring and feel them as they snuggle close.

Soon, I hope to go on camping trips with my son. I hope to visit Tennessee and walk in cool rivers, visit parks and maybe finally see a bear. I hope to go to the race in Darlington, SC and cheer on my favorite drivers. Pay a visit to the souvenir tents and visit with a friend who runs a food truck.

Soon I hope to got to those free summer concerts around us. I hope to go watch fireworks screaming skyward. I hope to spend time with friends and family just enjoying the company.

All of these things, past, present and Lord willing future are possible because I am a survivor. Change all of that to what a child of which ever age, would say. Consider the things they enjoy. The things they experience. The many different moments, small or grand, that will be their memory forever.

Consider the child with cancer. The child who may try to ignore, may never vocalize the thoughts, but who wonder, if they will get to experience what others are experiencing. The child who sees their peers doing all the things one of their age does without thinking. Ball games, cook outs, swimming, time at the theme parks, all off limits at least for a time. Even going to school and spending time with others or getting to moan over too much homework or that pop test. The child who can only dream of happier, healthier times. The child who fights, but still fears.

The parents of those children, fearing and yet fighting. The parents determined to do everything possible to help their greatest treasure. Their desire, hope, prayers for their child to be not just a warrior, but a survivor.  Sometimes, they may need a little assistance. Always, the siblings of the cancer warrior need to know they are not forgotten in the struggle. That, is where Love Like Lauren comes in. Swooping in to assist and encourage. Not all super heroes wear capes, some wear the emotions of love and compassion and it shows.

Love Like Lauren – Love Like Lauren

About rebecca s revels

A writer, a photographer, a cancer survivor. An adventurer of the mild kind, a lover of the simple pleasures such as long walks and chocolate. A Christian unashamed of my faith and a friend who is dependable and will encourage readily. Author of three self published books with more waiting to find their way to paper. An advocate of good things, a fighter against wrongs.
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