It Isn’t All About Me

This morning began much calmer than yesterday. No strange crisis to take care of, simply ease into the day. I’ve spoken with my son as he got his breakfast and left for work. I’ve spoken with my mother. I’ve talked with a friend I hadn’t heard from so I know they are okay. The many animals that are part of this family have all been cared for and I have my coffee. In six sentences, there is the word I. My son reminds me often that the world does not revolve around me. And yet, there it is, me putting myself center stage. He is right though.

Outside my window, a short distance from the house, the forest we were gifted begins. My grandmother bought the land when my mother was a teenager. It has been in the family since. Early in our childhood we discovered that those woods is where magic dwells and adventure awaits.  Later, the realization of how much of a healing place resides there was also shown. This small space without grand vistas or majestic waterfalls, is still a gift and proof of God’s love. Among the trees and shrubbery live many different creatures. From the variety of birds who fly among the trees, the different mammals who live in and among the trees or dig burros in the ground. The different flowers that appear when their time is right. The vast number of insects and reptiles that live to fulfill their purpose. To stand among this and be still, to listen to the musical sounds around you proves this was no accident. The amount of variations depending on location, each life plant, animal, insect designed to thrive in where they live. Be it extreme cold or heat, the depth of the sea of desert life thrives.

This earth is a gift. Here everything was created in the perfect balance for life to exist. The right amount of air, water, gravity. The correct distance from the sun. The many layers of the earth’s atmosphere, the magnetosphere, the many ways the earth is protected from the sun’s solar flares. (

In my heart, I believe that we are here for a purpose. I believe that God created us to need fellowship, with Him, but also with others. We are told to love God, but also love our neighbor. Our neighbor is everyone and anyone we pass as we travel this life. We are instructed to care for the poor, the children, the widow. Not to the point of harming ourselves, but to strengthen them as they travel this life.

I fear that in general, we have become too self centered. Many feeling entitled to special treatment in its various forms. My thoughts are that if we stopped and took the time to really look  and see what is happening around us, really see, we would feel and act differently. On our journey through this life we face battles which God brings us through. Those struggles are meant to teach  empathy and give a greater ability and understanding so to be there for those who face similar struggles. To be able to see those in need and reach out to offer a hand up, not a hand out. To be thankful for the things we do have that others can only dream about.

I also believe, that when we stop thinking so much about self and what we think is missing, not fair, wrong in our life, and look more to how we can help those around us, our own life becomes better. Our mental and emotional health improves. When we become more grateful for what we do have, what we do not becomes less important.

About rebecca s revels

A writer, a photographer, a cancer survivor. An adventurer of the mild kind, a lover of the simple pleasures such as long walks and chocolate. A Christian unashamed of my faith and a friend who is dependable and will encourage readily. Author of three self published books with more waiting to find their way to paper. An advocate of good things, a fighter against wrongs.
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