Link to Life’s Fleas

About rebecca s revels

A writer, a photographer, a cancer survivor. An adventurer of the mild kind, a lover of the simple pleasures such as long walks and chocolate. A Christian unashamed of my faith and a friend who is dependable and will encourage readily. Author of three self published books with more waiting to find their way to paper. An advocate of good things, a fighter against wrongs.
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2 Responses to Link to Life’s Fleas

  1. John says:

    A nice post on life’s pains, Rebecca. I am wondering why you are posting on Blogger? I can’t comment there and won’t sign up for anything Google.

  2. When I first started over there years ago I had gained enough attention that I was starting to earn a dollar here and there. For some reason long forgotten, I stopped using that and moved to here. The only way I have seen that you can earn anything here is to have a paid site. I don’t see me earning enough to make the cost worthwhile. I just thought I would test the water and see if I could regain the audience lost and yes maybe start earning. If not, no harm no foul.

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