Wake up call

Nothing like a call before six in the morning.

I had set my alarm to make sure I was awake at seven, so when the phone started ringing, in my sleep I thought it was the alarm. I’m not sure I was fully awake when I answered the call but I was wide awake quickly. It was my nephew asking me about a truck parked in front of my dad’s storage building. There was no note or anything explaining its presence. We agreed he would call the police and I would be there quickly. Funny how anything dealing with my parents has me breaking records on time getting dressed.

 Walking down I quickly checked the house making sure all the doors were secure. There were no lights on yet so I didn’t knock. I walked on down across the yard and saw my nephew as he came around the building. It was secure and nothing appeared to have been bothered. He told me the police said they would be there shortly. I’m not sure what he told them, but three county officers, one the supervisor were soon on the scene.

 Turns out the truck was stolen out of a city in a neighboring county. The officers did manage to contact the owner, so they know their truck was found.  Thankfully it wasn’t reported to be involved in any crimes so they had it towed.

 One of the officers who was out here has been here before. Very nice individual and compassionate to the older generation. We talked while waiting for the tow truck. He told me that they did the work because they loved helping but were also adrenaline junkies. But that this was a good, easy start to a shift. He has taken the time, this morning and the first time he was out to chat and explain things to me. One thing he told me, that I won’t share for a couple reasons, had me commenting that , “not all super heroes wear capes”. Trust me, it fit here.  The other officer remembered a former neighbor who has been gone from the road for years now. When he lived here, because of the people who often stayed with him, the police were seen here on an almost regular basis. Now, not so much thankfully.

 But this is a dead end dirt road out in the county. While there are more houses now than when I was growing up, it is still somewhat secluded. But whomever dumped the truck there, made a mistake not realizing how well watched out for my parents are. They are surrounded by family who keep eyes watching, ears listening and are physically ready to move as needed when needed. If it is there and shouldn’t be, we will find out why. We make it a point that there is always someone close at hand should a need arise. They may be older, but they are not helpless, nor are they left to face what ever comes on their own. I’ve heard it said that it is difficult for one individual to handle things such as this alone. Thankfully I don’t have to as a lot of the family live here and are ready to jump in at a moment’s (or less) notice.

 We have also made a point to let every officer who comes out know how appreciative we are for them and their time. Every one has been polite, professional, and yet compassionate. Anyone who has followed me on any platform for any length of time knows I back the blue and always will. Each time they are here for what ever reason, when they show their professional yet compassionate side, my respect grows. I know, that there are those whose experience with the police is different, but my thoughts are that different situations will have different reactions. How you talk to and treat people will create the manner in which you are talk to and treated in return. And I have no doubt that there are officers who for what ever reason may not have the best attitude at times. Thankfully we have not had to deal with one of those yet.

About rebecca s revels

A writer, a photographer, a cancer survivor. An adventurer of the mild kind, a lover of the simple pleasures such as long walks and chocolate. A Christian unashamed of my faith and a friend who is dependable and will encourage readily. Author of three self published books with more waiting to find their way to paper. An advocate of good things, a fighter against wrongs.
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