The Promise of the Stars Blogophilia fiction write Chapter Twenty-two

Standing in the Within I alternated between the sides, watching their actions as I contemplated my next move.  As I watched Ducky I saw him lift my backpack from where I must have dropped it when Amber Moon grabbed me and dragged me into this place. I went quickly from wondering what he was doing to thinking oh no he wouldn’t. But he would. With a mighty heave he tossed my bag through the invisible wall of the Within and in my direction. He couldn’t see me, had no idea where I was or even if what he was doing would work. In my hand I felt my stone grow warmer. Just to my left I watched as my backpack burst through the wall and was drawn to the stone. Grabbing it as soon as it come within reach I looked to see if Amber Moon or the Nunnehi had noticed, thankfully they had not. Apparently I could see them, but neither side could not see me where I was trapped.

 Wondering why Ducky had thought it so important I have my backpack I carefully opened it to see what he may have added. Seashells. Really? Why seashells and where did he even get the shells to begin with?  Looking back up toward Ducky and the rest it was as if he were staring directly at me, willing me to figure it out. There was also a list and map of all the constellations.  Centering my attention at the moment on the large shells I remembered that you could hear the ocean if you put the shell to your ear. But I don’t want to hear the ocean, was he telling me that it would work as a speaker for me to hear them? Only one way to find out. Moving closer to where the magnets still hung in midair I lifted the shells and they too magically held in place. Immediately the Within was filled with the sounds from both sides. Amber Moon’s angry gloating, her desire for revenge for something becoming more obvious the longer she near shouted. There were murmurs among the Nunnehi but they did not seem to be as on board to her plans as  what she wanted. When I looked toward Ducky he and his son were standing in the exact same spot but instead of concern they now both held the same mischievous grin. Behind them the Journeyers looked hesitant about what was obviously about to happen. Both men began to sing in that weird, off key, tone deaf manner. “Sister bluebird flying high above shine your wings forward to the sun. Hide the mysteries of life on your way Though you’ve seen them, please don’t say a word. Speak to me of summer  Long winters, longer than time can remember. The setting up of other roads to travel on in old accustomed ways.They’re singing a song by Yes? Why? Immediately they shifted into a different song, “Prove yourself you are the moves you make see yourself you are the steps you take. What are they trying to tell me?”

 Watching them I was somewhat startled to see the Journeyers join in to the singing. “In the north sky, time flies fast to the morning The cold of the dawn, it meant nothing to us You were keeping your best situation, an answer to yes.

North sky..Looking from the map in a skyward direction I watched as the stone opened up the Within above me. Searching the sky I found Ursa Major and Ursa Minor, the great bear and little bear still searching I found  Draco the dragon. Lifting my stone I watched as the dragon constellation came to life, the dragon stretching its wings, raising its head and breathing a long stream of fire. I was hoping it wasn’t angry at me for disturbing its rest. A movement caught my attention and I watched as the bears too came to life. What had I set into motion here? Looking back at the map I saw scrawled in Ducky’s handwriting, look and watch the promise of the stars. In them is hope. In them is rescue.

Ecrits Blogophilia Week 36.15 – The Promise of Stars

Hard Bonus: Incorporate a lyric by the band Yes

Easy Bonus: Mention a constellation

About rebecca s revels

A writer, a photographer, a cancer survivor. An adventurer of the mild kind, a lover of the simple pleasures such as long walks and chocolate. A Christian unashamed of my faith and a friend who is dependable and will encourage readily. Author of three self published books with more waiting to find their way to paper. An advocate of good things, a fighter against wrongs.
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3 Responses to The Promise of the Stars Blogophilia fiction write Chapter Twenty-two

  1. Your writing is so magical, it opens up worlds of wonder! And I am wondering of course what happens next… what does Amber Moon have in her bag of tricks? Will Amiko be rescued? What wild journey lies ahead? KUDOS Dear Earthling! ❤

  2. Pingback: Blogophilia Week 36.15 – The Promise of Stars | Blogophilia

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