
Memorial Day Weekend-

A weekend tagged as the beginning of summer. I don’t have any big plans. No family gatherings, no outdoor barbecue, no trip anywhere. I honestly don’t feel badly about that, because what I am thinking of, is the real reason for the day.

Memorial means set up to acknowledge and recall. A day set aside, so that we may take the time to remember. Remember what? Remember…who.  Remember, acknowledge, respect, salute, those who went into the service of this country and gave us all. They readily put on the uniform of the branch chosen and presented their life to the protection of this great land. Many were not much more, in physical age, than children- at times, children who never grew up. They went, facing things they would never face here, but they went, so that those here, would never have to face what they were fighting.

They went into battle, hearing the sounds of warfare, smelling the stench of weaponry and death. They heard the screams and pleas of the injured and dying. They knew fear, even as they bravely fought on. Understanding their duty and purpose. They had a land and people to protect.

Memorial Day, is to remember them. To understand the flags placed at certain graves, to see the statues and walls and other memorials and know. To know that each and every name listed, gave all. They deserve to be remembered. They have earned the right to be remembered and honored.

They donned a uniform, they trained, they picked up their packs and their weapons and they went. Then, on the shores of some foreign land, they gave the ultimate gift, made the ultimate sacrifice, their life.

This weekend, and especially Monday, while vehicles are being packed, fires lit, and families and friends gather, may we take a moment to remember, the real, the very real reason for the day. May we be thankful, for each and every member of the service, who knew the possibility, and yet they went anyway, and they did give all.

From my heart, I am very grateful.

About rebecca s revels

A writer, a photographer, a cancer survivor. An adventurer of the mild kind, a lover of the simple pleasures such as long walks and chocolate. A Christian unashamed of my faith and a friend who is dependable and will encourage readily. Author of three self published books with more waiting to find their way to paper. An advocate of good things, a fighter against wrongs.
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